Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Buddy, Can You Spare a Book Review?

It's true, I've been hounding people to post reviews of my new novel onto Amazon.com, Good Reads.com, Facebook, Twitter, anywhere there is a connection between the written word and people.

So, imagine the smile on my face when I logged into my blog to see a comment from a new friend, Linda Della Donna, author of "Book or Bust" blog and Griefcase.com:

"I have read this book and it is a riveting read.  Couldn't put it down." Linda Della Donna - author of Griefcase.net and Bookorbust.blogspot.com 

She wrote me in between chapters with updates such as, "This Nicholas fellow is really worrying me," and I smiled thinking she would become more than worried in a few more chapters.  I wanted her to "get it" and that she did.  She offered some constructive criticism and glowing compliments and encouragement.  What else could you want from a fellow author?

Ms. Della Donna and I have yet to meet since she lives in the New York City area, but hope our paths will indeed cross one day.  The woman with the lyrical name even twitters on my behalf...God bless her.

I've also met another author who I've dubbed as my "brother from another mother".  He too, is a recluse who only wants his book to get the attention it deserves.  His name is Brandon Shire and his novels prove to be dark, contemplative and rich with plot line and dilemma.  We've become Goodreads buddies and virtual friends.  A comfortable distance for two recluses who only want their books to do well.

Wordsmithing and finding like-minded scribes such as myself in the virtual beyond is one of the best things ever.  Go ahead, check out their writing, you'll be glad you did.  Thank you Ms. Della Donna and Brandon Shire.

JR Stone

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Obliging the Readers...

It seems that my email bin is getting thick with questions, so I thought I would answer some of them in this space.

1. Are you really from the Golden Triangle area in S.E. Texas?
Yes.  Born and raised in the Groves area although I have moved around since.

2. Why are you so secretive about your identity?
I don't think of it as being "secretive," but I am a very private person.

3. Is the main character in your novel real?
Nicholas and his story are completely from my imagination.  I've been thinking about his story/plot line for several years, so I got to know him and his pain very well.  In fact, when I was fleshing out Nicholas's personality, I wrote down some questions that I would ask him if he were a real person.  Being able to imagine his answers only helped me to delve further into his psyche.  I've had other authors ask me the same question after reading the book and I think my quirky way of fleshing out characters helped to make Nicholas and his family seem real.

4. What do you want people to take away from this book?
Everyone has their burden to carry and each person will deal with that load in various ways.  I want people to know that spirituality and religion doesn't come in a nice, neat package, so don't assume there is only one way up the mountain.  Spirituality should be all inclusive, not divisive.

5. What is your favorite part of the novel?
I have several and I don't want to give the plot away so I'll try to answer this without being a spoiler. I love the relationships Nicholas develops with certain characters in the book.  For instance,  I love the relationship between Nicholas and Greasy Adam. He steps into a big brother's role somewhat carelessly for Nick. Yet, he fills that vacant role well.

I love the way Nick's co-workers become his family. Every last one of them are odd ducks, yet they find each other and you can feel their bond.  I love the way Charley and Nick connect.  The trust they have with each other is amazing considering the path they each traveled before finding one another.

I wrote this book hoping the reader would be able to envision the characters and action.  Those are the best kind of books.
Now, if YOU have questions that you would like me answer, don't be shy! Contact me at authorjrstone@aol.com and ask away.  By the way, if you've read the novel, do me a favor and post a review on amazon, will ya?